sustainability Exhibition in London 14 – 27 October

Recovered copper and metals after 'burning' electronics

The next exhibition will take place in London at No. 1 Church Lane, Leytonstone, E11 1HG (Leytonstone tube) from 14 to 27 October.

Repair events will also take place in the exhibition space run by @Forest.Fixers (Restart Project) on 15 to 18 October.

Recovered copper and metals after ‘burning’ electronics

Exhibition dates and times: 14 October to 27 October (Mon-Fri 14:00-18:00 daily)

Entry: FREE

Repair events by: Forest Fixers @forest.fixers on 15 to 18th October 10:00-13:00

Supported by: WeFlock CIC

In support of Repair Day (19th October), the exhibition will highlight the importance of repair and reuse and the need for a better Right to Repair. For more information and events taking place on international Repair Day (19th October) see

There will also be copies of the photobook to view and copies of the ‘act now‘ zine.

Campaign Re-fresh

An update on the act now’ campaign to make better use of community facilities for sharing, repair and reuse.

In 2023, I sent ‘unbroken‘ photobooks and ‘act now‘ zines to all major UK councils and local authorities. I have just updated the campaign. More copies of the books and zines have gone to councils that recently changed control. Books have also been sent to the newly elected mayors and to the recently appointed government ministers at DEFRA and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Whilst we really need a better ‘Right to Repair‘, there is still much more we can do with the resources we have.

There are over 1000 under-utilised council-owned properties that are likely suitable for sharing, repair and re-use. Many are empty. Sian Berry (Greens) described these spaces as ‘Dead Spaces‘. They do not need to be dead. If a fraction of these became ‘meanwhile’ use for local communities, it could help reduce waste, reduce council disposal costs, help with cost of living and help build local communities. It really begs the question – so, why would you not want to do this?

The RSA has recently adopted the idea of making better use of these ‘Dead Spaces‘ as part of its Day One Manifesto. This will form part of the ongoing campaign into 2025. More to follow.

International Repair Day (19 October) is fast approaching. As part of that, I am putting together an exhibition to be shown at a ‘meanwhile’ shop outside Leytonstone Station. E11. It is supported by We Flock CIC. More on this in the next few week.

2023 summary

Mark Phillips News December 31, 2023 1 Comment

2023 has been a busy year for the right to repair movement and, here is a summary of the project and the groups I have been working with over the past few years.

January – I presented on repair at The Photographers Gallery (TPG) with the Restart Project as part of the TPG’s Small File Photo Festival

March – the project exhibited in Stirling for Circular Communities Scotland’s Share and Repair event, bringing together sharing libraries, repair and reuse communities from across Scotland.

Book and zine were published

The book and act now zine were completed, working with Struktur Design and Pure Print, and were published in June.

July– project exhibited at Sustainability Day in Hackney with Hackney Fixers.

September – project exhibited and act now zines distributed to all delegates at Fixfest 2023, in Cardiff. Fixfest brought together over one hundred community repairers and activists from across the UK. It wa an opportunity to share good practice and build capability. Fixfest was also used as a platform to relaunch the Manchester Declaration as a wider and more comprehensive Repair and Reuse Declaration.

The Declaration asks UK legislators and decision-makers at all levels to support repair and reuse to thrive, by requesting the UK:

– Make repair more affordable, through tax reductions and repair vouchers.
– Expand the UK’s right to repair regulations to cover all consumer products, to strengthen design standards and remove barriers to repair for everyone. 
– Introduce a repair index to help the public choose more repairable and durable products. 
– Introduce requirements and targets for reuse and repair to be prioritised over recycling and provide investment to make this a reality. This should be a key part of amended extended producer responsibility rules.
– Support a new generation of repairers through repair training, accreditation and apprenticeships. 
For more information and to encourage your MP to sign, see

Act Now Campaign

During the summer and early autumn the campaign to engage 260 UK councils, plus devolved government and UK government departments started. It asked council to provide better support for repair and reuse.  The campaign sent out copies of the book, plus zine and a covering letter. Follow up emails continue to be sent to encourage more support.

The response has been a little muted (unsurprising, given the financial challenges many councils currently have) but largely positive. Some councils have actively engaged and some are including ideas in their future proposals. After some chasing, even DEFRA replied.

In October – attended BOP Bristol and Impressions Gallery, Bradford book fairs with the Photobook Club Collective.

Dead Spaces

Started research and FOI requests on empty (dead) council spaces that could be put to use to support repair and reuse.  This built on the work of Sian Berry’s team in London looking at ‘Dead Spaces‘, addressing London council owned spaces that were not in use or vacant. The FOI extended that research, with a sample across the whole UK. Based on this research, it is estimated that there are around 1200 council owned properties in the UK that are empty and highly likely to be suitable for setting up sharing and repairing centres. This is an opportunity that requires little money to get started.

Visited Cambridge Repair Cafe and exhibited in Cambridge on International Repair Day.

Photographed a Right to Repair Europe (R2REurope) event at EU Parliament in Brussels, aimed at encouraging the parliament to support an improved right to repair directive. Parliament voted positively, but the Council is now in the process of watering down the proposals. Still, it is progress.

Europe has made some progress on repair in 2023 with Batteries directive: User-replaceable batteries required in all portable devices and light transportation vehicles in 2027, and Ecodesign for smartphones & tablets: Parts, tools, and documentation required for all smartphones and tablets by 2025.

In the USA in Colorado: First-ever agricultural bill supporting farmers rights to repair. In Minnesota: Broadest Right to Repair bill yet—this covers basically anything with a chip. In California: requires that electronics and appliances over $100 have parts, tools and manuals available for 7 years and in  Maine: Owners & independent mechanics have access to auto telematics. Great progress for USPIRG, iFixit and the other US campaigners.

Building Capability

Also in October, visited RENEW reuse hub, run by Suez, in Manchester. Although early days, this is a major effort to re-direct goods from recycling skips, and to reuse and repair, so they last longer.

Providing facilities like this, plus share and Repair centres is going to be key to deliver any meaningful improvement in our reuse and repair capability. Sadly, the current government waste policy, strategy and proposals will do little to impact this unless there is a proper plan, rather than a the current ‘word salad’.

November– exhibited and spoke at Dead Spaces event with Sian Berry and Climate Emergency Centres in London. book was added to SPP network case studies. These case studies provide examples of more sustainable photobook production. The unbroken. solutions photobook was also added to resources in Suez published “Solutions for Stuff”, a comprehensive solutions manual and guide for councils and some material was also provided to the New Zealand, Repair Café Aotearoa Handbook.

During the year regular visits were also made to community repair events and activities at Remake Newport, Penarth, Hackney, Portsmouth Share and Repair, Chesham, Stirling, Cambridge, and Renew in Manchester.

If you want to find out more about progress on repair and reuse and progress on the right to repair check out the Restart Project, R2R Europe and iFixit website and newsletters.

A busy 2023, here’s to more progress in 2024. Happy New Year!

book and zine campaign update#1

That ‘is a wrap’. In total, 258 books and zines posted to councils, local authorities and devolved government departments. Copies are also going to contributors and collaborators.

As previously indicated, the aim has been to do this and keep the overall footprint and impact small. All parcels hand delivered to my local Post Office.

The plan is to distribute a large number of the act now zines at FixFest 2023, in Cardiff, in September. Fixfest is a regular global gathering of repairers and tinkerers, activists, policy-makers, thinkers, educators and companies from all over the world.  Many community repairers will be present. They will get a free copy of the zine and the option to take copies for local distribution via their repair events.

The campaign tracks the distribution, receipt, email sent and follow up. Information on capabilities and support provided by councils and local authorities will also be captured.

This supports identifying good practices and hopefully pointing to more solutions and case studies.

Regular campaign updates will be provided. Later, copies of the worksheet / database will be made more widely available.

book and zine campaign

As part of this project around 260 copies of photobook will be sent to councils and local authorities in the UK. The ask is a simple one – do more to support repair and reuse in your community.

As part of the campaign, zines have also been produced to distribute to the public, via the community repair network and local repair groups, to encourage the public to engage their councils to ask for more support.

Deciding to run a photobook and zine based campaign clearly comes with an environmental impact. But throughout the process we have been thoughtful and aimed to minimise waste and resources.

The book was designed with Struktur Design to minimise waste and simplify production. The books are A4 size (to minimise paper waste) and use a mix of sustainably sourced and recycled materials. The ‘cloth’ cover uses Wibalin textured and recycled paper. The papers are all CarbonNeutral and FSC sourced. It was printed digitally, as the run size meant offset lith printing would create too much waste (it might all be recycled but it still creates waste and uses energy).

The printers, Pureprint, were selected from criteria to assess their eco-credentials as well as price. They have had ISO14001 (Environmental Management) and EMAS since the 1990s, were the world’s first CarbonNeutral printer. Working with Richard at Pureprint, we aimed to minimise impact in materials, production and use of local suppliers and finishers.

The act now zines were offset printed at YouLovePrint, also part of the PurePrint Group and working to the same environmental management standards.

The books and zines are all sent out using sustainable packaging materials from Priory Direct, BCorp and CarbonNeutral company, offering packaging made from recycled (and recyclable) materials that are sustainably sourced. No bubblewrap, no plastic.

To ship the books and zines, they were hand walked to my local Post Office. Later this year many of the zines will be distributed by and to community repair groups at the upcoming FixFest 2023, again minimising the shipping footprint.

It’s not perfect, but with a little effort you can reduce the impact of your activities. If you want more information on sustainable photobook publishing, check out the resources at SPPNetwork.

We already have solutions. Act Now.

act now

In the UK, councils and local authorities provide our best opportunity to make a meaningful improvements in repair and reuse capability; at least until we have a proper ‘right to repair’. is starting a campaign to encourage greater support, by using a combination of exhibitions and a photobook and ‘zines’ to engage local councils and the public. ‘pop-up’ exhibition at Hackney Sustainability Day in July 2023.

Some councils have already helped provide some funding, or access to facilities, or signposted community repair as an option. Examples such as Share and Repair in Bath, Re:Make Newport and the Fixing Factory in Camden show that community repair can be on the high street. This makes it more visible and available to many more people. But we can do much more.

The first part of the campaign is to distribute a photo book to 260 major councils and waste authorities in the UK. The photo book documents the impact and many solutions from across the world.

The ask is simple: to do more to support repair and reuse. The act now page on this site provides additional links to resources to support this.

In combination with the photobook an act now ‘zine’ has been produced to distribute via the community repair network, to the public, asking them to request more local solutions and capability.

Both the book and the zine have been produced in the UK to reduce environmental impact, using printers with strong eco-credentials and an ISO14001 environmental management system, designed to minimise manufacturing waste and using Carbon Neutral and FSC chain of custody sources of paper and card.

The campaign will distribute both the books and the zines over the next few months and encourage councils and the public to provide examples of action.

10 and 20 years on …

This year, 2023, marks the 10th anniversary of the Restart Project and Hackney Fixers. It is also the 20th anniversary of iFixit. Groups that have been battling for decades (literally) to give us all a right to repair and the capability to do it.

In 2003, Kyle Wiens and Luke Soules found themselves with a broken iBook G3. Their attempts to repair it led to what is now iFixit. iFixit was actually born PB FixIt after the preeminent Mac notebook of the day: PowerBook.  Today iFixit offer online repairs guides for lots of different products. They offer spares and the all important tool kits. A special mention goes out to their security drivers allowing you to access product that manufacturers make difficult to open!! In October 2013, iFixit Europe was born with Stuttgart in Germany as a central European location, which I visited in October 2019.

Since 2015, they’ve worked to support Right to Repair laws, with partners like USPIRG and partners in Europe from the Right to Repair Europe movement.

Restart Project and Hackney Fixers

The Restart Project started in 2013. Although based in London their reach is much wider with Restart groups and parties across the UK, in Europe and further afield. They collaborate with other groups, particularly in Europe to advocate for our Right to Repair.

Ugo Vallauri and Nathan Proctor – Restart Project and US PIRG

The Hackney Fixers, promote electrical and electronic repair in Hackney as an alternative to growing mountains of waste and consumption and work closely with the Restart Project. Like many communities repair groups they hold local events to help people repair their things. Many of the original founders are still volunteering.

James Diamond, Hackney Fixers

Happy Anniversaries

All of these groups are battling against waste by making better use of things. They support communities with real solutions. Solutions that we need to adopt, adapt and accelerate. Keep supporting them!

time to step up

Limited legislation has been passed to provide our Right to Repair, but there is still much more we can do. We can all take better care of our things. Make them last longer. We can learn to repair them, or find someone who can.

We already have lots of potential solutions. Community repair groups like Repair Cafe’s and the Restart Project can help us make things last longer, but ultimately we need to build much more capability.

In the short term our local Council’s and Waste Authorities can help make a real difference.
Some already do, but they can all do more.

Councils could enable more access to unused shops for community repair groups to use (like Share and Repair in Bath, Re:Make in Newport or the Fixing Factory in Camden).

They can also help with consumer awareness and education. They can help shift the culture from recycling (which is wasteful) to reuse and repair. Adding facilities to HWRCs (like the Fixing Factory in Brent). They can work in partnership with repair groups, charities and local independent repairers.

All the areas highlighted in the diagram above are opportunities for local authorities to help make more of a difference.

Culture of Repair

Throughout this project, I have endeavoured to identify some of the key issues and potential solutions to address our waste. In discussions with many people, even those reasonably aware of environmental issues, there is a lack of knowledge about the real impact of our consumption and what we can all do about it. That is why focusses on solutions that others can adopt or adapt to suit their needs.

But ultimately, we need to create, or re-create, a culture of repair. One where design takes account of the need to rebuild, to reuse and to recycle, so waste is minimised. One where repair and its value is understood. One where repair resources are readily available and accessible. One where to repair, is to care.

So, it was great to connect with Vita at the Culture of Repair. Based in the Bay Area, California, their mission is simply: That Repair be an actionable and pervasive cultural value.

They focus on bringing repair to the classroom, to educate the next generation. Their efforts are currently looking to integrate Repair into maker programs in schools and educational non-profits, supporting community repair events, advocating for repair at the state and local levels, and, as always, promoting repair as a social value. 

The Culture of Repair Project works exclusively in The East Bay and is currently concentrating on initiatives in Oakland and Berkeley, CA. However, their site contains lots of ideas and resources, for educators, for repair groups and for the general public, everywhere.

For those interested check the link here: Resources and Worldwide Initiatives.

Resource lists are provided to help people new to thinking about Repair begin to find material meaningful to their lines of inquiry. The more we learn the more we can make an impact.

Report for Microsoft confirms the benefits of Repair

An independent report, commissioned by Microsoft confirms that repairing devices reduces waste and climate emissions.

The study compared replacement versus factory or authorised repair for different Microsoft products. The product included Surface Pros, Surface Book and Laptop Studio.

The study found that, compared to device replacement, all forms of repair offer significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and waste reduction benefits. (For the devices studied, repairing can yield up to a 92% reduction in potential waste and emissions.)

It also found that design has significant potential to reduce carbon and waste impacts. Design for repair helps repair and reduces harmful impacts.

Finally, it highlighted that transportation logistics can play in contributing to overall GHG emissions associated with repair services. “To further reduce waste and GHG emissions, Microsoft is advised to take steps to expand repair locations and capabilities across more devices and to promote mail-to repair services“. 

Manufacturers need to do more to enable repair.