Share and Repair, Bath

Many community repair events only take place about once per month in any given location. Whilst they make a major contribution and help many people, the low frequency can create barriers. The lack of a permanent location can also present challenges storing tools, materials and spare parts.

The logical solution would be to have community repair operating several days a week in an established location. Able to run repair events and provide more extensive repair services.  Even better if it could become a ‘hub’ offering repair and a library of things (to allow people to share tools and equipment) and provide wider social support.

That is Bath Share and Repair. The vision of Bath resident Lorna Montgomery, who is now a Trustee of the Charity that formed on this idea.

In June 2020 Bath Share and Repair opened the doors to the Share and Repair Shop in the centre of Bath. The first location was on Broad Street and had an incredible response, raising awareness of sharing and repairing in Bath.  In August 2021 they moved to  3 York Buildings, George Street (BA1 2EB), which is now the new home for the Bath Library of Things and a place to run bookable repair sessions.